All posts by: Elijah Loving

How to UNLEASH Your Creativity | The Secrets of the Tree of Knowledge We all have a creative drive deep within ourselves. How can we unlock it and how does it relate to the Garden of Eden? Rabbi Manis Friedman speaks with Marina Tselner to discuss! Watch the full interview at Creativity Lighthouse:… Consider......
The gift of being creative should never be taken for granted!...
oing a bit of experimenting, my daughter Z will be heading up the documentation of work that we are doing and we wanted to post the creativity from time to time. Let us know what you think!...
William Nguyen 3D Character Artist provided us with an awesome reference tool for everyone to check out and use, to help us understand cast shadow and a form shadow on the face....
Vlog: Where Have I Been – 032022 What I have been up to the past few months and what is up next in the next few months. Help us keep making content by going to for Exclusive Content and patron support content Drop a 👍👍👍 and a big thanks for your amazing support and......
Rings of Power Discussion – Amazon Facing Major BACKLASH From Lord of the Rings Fans Consider contributing to help us keep sharing more content like this. Our goal is 1) to share relevant and uplifting news to artists, 2) to share my ‘how tos’ around how I do what I do for independent artists no......
It can be difficult to know how to start a design business. No matter how much experience you have, it can be hard to know when the time is right and how to take the plunge. Maybe design began as a side hustle that's slowly taken over and you're wondering whether it could become a sustainable career, or maybe you've been working as a freelancer or in-house at an agency and you want to take the plunge to launch a...
TMQ 2022: TikvahMinds Quarterly Interview: Kurt Zauer – Cagey Comics Had a great interview with Kurt Zauer of Cagey Comics, learned a lot about writing comics and some of the challenges that we face as creatives. We also covered his upcoming work encompassing Egypt, Vampires in prohibition Chicago, and a lot more. Had a lot......
Consider contributing to help us keep sharing more content like this. Our goal is 1) to share relevant and uplifting news to artists, 2) to share my ‘how tos’ around how I do what I do for independent artists no matter where you are on your journey, and 3) to simply share my quirky interests and what motivates my creativity. Thank you for your support, we couldn’t do this without you!...
m the man himself. I have liked Joe Rogan's content for some time, for two reasons: one he is open to the possibility of learning new things and perspectives not discussed in the "mainstream". We live in a wild world full of wonders beyond imagination both in a positive and in the negative and Joe Rogan does an excellent job of listening and ensuring all voices are heard, and I appreciate his mild-mannered way in which he goes about...