Posts tagged with: Lord of the Rings Amazon

Lord of the Rings Amazon

Rings of Power Discussion – Amazon Facing Major BACKLASH From Lord of the Rings Fans Consider contributing to help us keep sharing more content like this. Our goal is 1) to share relevant and uplifting news to artists, 2) to share my ‘how tos’ around how I do what I do for independent artists no......
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J.R.R. Tolkien Torched A Lord Of The Rings Film Treatment For Being Treated Carelessly, Recklessly And Showing “No Evident Signs Of Any Appreciation Of What It Is All About” J.R.R. Tolkien, the creator of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, torched a film treatment for an adaptation of The Lord of the Rings......
Here's a good video documenting all the red flags raised by Amazon's 'Ring of Power' over the course of production and development. ...
Feeling Realy Sceptical About This One: Amazon’s Lord of the Rings Let me know what you think about it, but I have a bad feeling this is going to be crap. However, we will see…? Not sure, but not feeling the love for Tolkien’s work here. Honestly, it should be left alone as nothing could......
Tikvah Inc. | TikvahMinds Show Episode # 133 We are back and ready to rock! Updates on The Last Colony and other fun stuff....