Posts tagged with: Illustration


TMQ Interview with comic book writer and publisher Kurt Zauer from Cagey Comics. ...
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meet concept artist Labros Penousis ...
TMQ Interview with comic book writer and publisher Kurt Zauer from Cagey Comics. ...
ILLUSTRATION AND GRAPHIC DESIGN PORTFOLIO Consider contributing to help us keep sharing more content like this. Our goal is 1) to share relevant and uplifting news to artists, 2) to share my ‘how tos’ around how I do what I do for independent artists no matter where you are on your journey, and 3) to......
GOING TO Kansas City Planet Comicon: April 22 -24 2022 This Weekend!!!! In 2019 we took the journey to check out Planet Comicon in Kansas City. I was jumping into comics head first, not knowing if I was diving into the deep end – the ocean or the kiddy pool? I had no expectations of......
It will always be an honor to witness and see others grow around me, and this is one of the reasons I wanted to put this sizzle reel out there. Yes, it reflects what I have done, but more important is a catalog of who I have been able to help and guide. When you help another soul and show them how to fish, it uplifts your soul and envisions your potential. So please leave a comment and let me...
Muddy Color Blog Post: GUEST BLOGGER: PAUL BONNER Sitting comfortably?…….Good. It really is an honour to be asked to contribute something to this little gathering of movers, shakers and artistic worthies. A talented bunch who do a lot to promote the stuff we all love. A lot more time consuming than it appears (as I’ve......
TMQ 2022: TikvahMinds Quarterly Interview: Kurt Zauer – Cagey Comics Had a great interview with Kurt Zauer of Cagey Comics, learned a lot about writing comics and some of the challenges that we face as creatives. We also covered his upcoming work encompassing Egypt, Vampires in prohibition Chicago, and a lot more. Had a lot......
Creative Blog: Tackle Portrait Painting With Oils [Even though it has been years and years since I have touched oils, I thought this was a great article from Creative Blog. One of the reasons is that you can use the same techniques discussed here to tackle the process from the digital standpoint.] By Howard Lyon......
Digital sketching using Photoshop isn't new, yet learning to draw with freedom digitally can be hard. In this article, illustrator Erik Ly shares his process for creating scribbly illustrations that embrace the chaos of your free-flowing imagination. While Erik's professional work is refined and clean, he finds himself coming back around and enjoying just how fun a little chaotic digital sketching can be. It's a great way to share ideas and art in a time dominated by social media. The need...