Creative Blog: Tackle Portrait Painting With Oils

[Even though it has been years and years since I have touched oils, I thought this was a great article from Creative Blog. One of the reasons is that you can use the same techniques discussed here to tackle the process from the digital standpoint.]

By Howard Lyon (ImagineFX) Creative Blog

In this workshop, we will be creating a portrait oil painting with meaning, as well as exploring the idea that academic principles and beauty in art has seen a decline. For Howard Lyon, the author of this tutorial, the idea started with a painting titled After the Dance, done in 2017. The ‘dance’ referred to the amazing period of artistic creation at the end of the 19th century, when Sargent, Bouguereau, Waterhouse and Leighton were all at the top of their game. The 20th century saw some incredible innovations and diversity in art but, for Lyon, didn’t offer as much beauty or skill as the 19th century. Lyon wanted to express his passion for the principles espoused by the artists I love and apply it to a series.

For you to begin with your painting, you’ll need the right materials. This guide to the best oil paint will start you off, and for other materials head over to this pick of the best oil paint supplies. But for now, Lyon takes us through his inspiration and how to create a portrait with oils.

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