The Last Colony: Summer is here and our LIVE STREAM TODAY 4 PM CDT
Thanks, everyone for your campaign support! We are getting excited about the Live Stream and building a poster together with our Backers. We are now adding collaborators into our Live Stream, next week June 10th come to meet Dan Ekis!
Hang out with us while we make art and please note that due to feedback and people’s schedules we’re moving up the Live Streams to 4 p.m. (instead of 6 p.m.) CDT US, still weekly and still on Thursdays. Join in on our creation of a Crowdfund Poster, this will be in all Backer’s Comic who’ve signed up for rewards starting at the $30 level and up as our way of saying THANK YOU for your support.
For the Live Streams, any art and creative questions are absolutely welcome – and please share! Go to to join! Log into YouTube to comment, would love to see you there!