Posts tagged with: Comicsgate

TikvahMinds Episode #130 08/26/21 Updates to our The Last Colony project and other crazy things happening in the TikvahComics arena! Also, meet our new co-host! I also found this video that sums up what I was saying from Ethan Hawke below our show video. Have a great weekend and see you next Monday @ 10am......
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TikvahMinds Episode #130 08/23/21 Monday morning, starting off our work week. Updates to The Last Colony and other news and updates....
TikvahMinds Show Episode #109 Should Amazon make a Sopranos version of The Lord of The Rings? Weekdays 10am CDT
TikvahMinds Show Episode #108 What is the business model for the new Amazon Lord of The Rings Series? Weekdays 10am CDT
The Last Colony: Crowdfunding Campaign Update May 20th, 2021 @ 6PM CDT Kicking off our third week of The Last Colony campaign. We are making good progress on the campaign! Also, I’ll be making a big announcement on this live stream! Be sure to share our link to crowdfund and/or help us by backing the......
TikvahMinds Show Episode #107 Why are our favorite IPs being destroyed and is it time to make our own? Weekdays 10am CDT